Wednesday 2 July 2008

Starting the History Series

Starting this week, I will be writing a series of posts about history, about interesting battles, people who fought them and how it affected the way our world, our history and our society developed. I'll start with writing about some important, decisive and 'cool' battles. I know battles and wars are bloody and cause hardships to all involved, but they are also interesting in the sense of how the kings, generals and soldiers tried to to win.

If you put yourself in the position of these people, you'll find that they had many decisions and often many choices. What did they choose to do and what was the outcome? Thats what we will try to analyse...

And maybe, we can learn something in the process...

Here is my potential list:
  • Hannibal and how he defeated Rome
  • Alexander's last battle on the borders of India: Battle of Jhelum (Hydaspes)
  • Napoleon and the Battle of Austerlitz, defeating both the Russian and the Austrian Empires
  • The Second Battle of Panipat, which led to the establishment of Akbar the Great and the Mughal Empire in India
  • and more... (suggestions are welcome)
Hold your breath... :-)

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